Use of indoor GIS in healthcare

The Case Study will be developed within the course “Geographic Information Systems (GIS)” (10 CFU), offered at Politecnico di Milano. This course is entirely taught in English as part of the MSc in Geoinformatics Engineering. Students attending the course have a background either in Computer Science Engineering or in Environmental Engineering.
Learning contents
- Location Based Services (LBS)
- Indoor LBS principles
- OGC IndoorGML standard
- Geospatial Web
- WebGIS
Learning outcomes
This Case Study will provide a first approach of a joint teaching effort between university and industry. Students will have the unique opportunity of overpassing the traditional boundaries of a university course, where the notions and concepts taught during the lectures are evaluated at most through ad-hoc exercises or simulations.
Conversely, students will tackle a real case study (proposed by a real company and where a real result is expected) and will benefit from a practical teamwork experience with industry indoor GIS technologies. At the end of the Case Study implementation, students will be able to develop a complete mobile, web or desktop application based on indoor LBS.
Reference partners
- Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- TRILOGIS Srl (Italy)