TITLE: “Training and education in GI and EO sectors”
The aim of the workshop has been to raise awareness on the activities and results of two cutting edge projects, giCASES and EO4GEO, promoted respectively within the Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances actions of the ERASMUS+ Programme, and provide the audience with hands-on examples and demonstrations on the approaches and methodologies planned and/or already developed within the two projects, with an interactive focus aimed at achieving a common shared understanding on how to foster, apply and sustain innovation in teaching and learning in the geospatial sector.
The objectives of the event (giCASES – SLOT 1) were:
- To support the capacity building of the INSPIRE Community with educational and training opportunities, in line with the new strategic approach of the Commission;
- To present and demonstrate the key-concepts of the giCASES project: collaborative and case-based learning, co-creation of knowledge and how those are applied in the six case studies of the project;
- To discuss with the audience on the replicability and sustainability of the presented approaches and strategies, and how to foster the connection with the EU policies of Digital Economy and Copernicus user up-takes initiatives, in view of the addressed long-term socio-economic impact.
– SLOT 1 –

The Conference was aimed at presenting to all the interested stakeholders the results of the project, especialy regarding the approach used during the Case Studies implementation and the training material developed.
The objectives of the event were:
- To present the giCASES approach on case-based collaborative learning and co-creation of knowledge in the geospatial sector, the development of the pilot case studies and the results of testing.
- To exchange ideas on existing or future initiatives, aiming to promote innovation or to facilitate co-creation of knowledge in the field.
- To discuss different perspectives on university-enterprise cooperation gathering the experience of relevant stakeholders and how to promote the adoption of the university-enterprise case-based approach at an institutional level.

giCASES Training session