The giCASES project aims at enhancing the collaborative creation, management and sharing of knowledge in the field of Geographical Information (GI), as well as to facilitate and strengthen innovation in GI training and education.
These objectives are pursued through the development of new and multidisciplinary approaches for teaching and learning in the GI field with the aim to facilitating the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge.
The approach has been based on the shared and collaborative development, between companies and universities, of new learning material and the design of collaborative learning processes based on real-world cases (case-based learning).
The added value of giCASES outcomes can be easily extended to support different Case Studies other than the six addressed by the project.
The giCASES initiative will continue after the end of the project through the constitution of an open giCASES Alliance.
A member of the giCASES Alliance can take the following benefits from its participation:
- Being part of a transnational university-business network;
- Being involved in similar collaborative learning projects;
- Promote new collaborative training initiatives and co-create new learning material
- Promote and participate in university-business shared provision of training
- Promote/participate in internship projects
- Develop new case studies
Any organisation interested to participate in the giCASES Alliance is kindly invited to fill-in the following form: